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Mindful Living

with Laura Mcgahey


Next Session

May 20,21,22

If you can dream it, you can achieve it!

Walt Disney

Work With Laura

Laura's mission is to empower individuals to discover their true selves and recognize the value of their ideas. Laura demonstrates that by taking action on their unique perspectives, they can make a positive impact on the world around them.


Laura is a certified consultant with the Proctor Gallagher Institute, together, helping people elevate their lives and learn how to live a life they love. She combines this training with her certification as a Yoga Instructor, creating a holistic approach to her teaching - body, mind and spirit. This additional qualification allows Laura to teach enthusiastically about the incredible power of our minds (Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha & Pranayama) through online programs for adults. 

With over 17 years teaching internationally in both public and international schools, Laura remains passionate about connecting with young minds in primary schools. 


Join Laura in her mission to inspire and uplift others by engaging with one of her offers. She has designed unique opportunities to further learning and develop empowerment which can be discovered below by clicking on an image or for in-schools services, by clicking here.

"Do not seek yourself outside yourself."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Laura's journey is an inspiring example of how personal growth, professional passion and strong desire intertwine to create meaningful change. She is a magnetic manifestor! 

By blending her career as a primary school teacher with her commitment to wellness practices, Laura embodies the principles she advocates for. 

Laura's work centres around these core aspects:

  • Practicing mindfulness

  • Community engagement 

  • Personal responsibility

  • Integrating sustainability in education

  • Harnessing Inner Power

Through her dedication to bridging the gap between humans and nature, Laura exemplifies how we each can play a pivotal role in creating a more harmonious tomorrow, one mind at a time.


Laura's messages are clear and powerful. She invites us to see life differently, to respect life the way that we should. 
Her words resonate well beyond her presentation. 

- Camille

I appreciate the way Laura shared her experiences and her journey. Laura is an excellent listener and I love how she encourages her clients to share and give feedback.
Her calm presence and knowledge of the material made me look forward to her sessions. 

- G.T

The thing that shines through Laura is her genuine passion for sharing her wisdom with others. She is prepared, optimistic and genuine.  Laura treats each one with importance and kindness.

- Claire

Follow Laura on Instagram

"Laura is motivated and is the perfect example of how the Thinking Into Results program works. This is, in my opinion, the best proof that the knowledge presented in the program is real and doable." G.T

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